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Read our Summer edition of Disability News!

DOWNLOAD our Summer edition of Disability News here:  Newsletter Summer 2015summer 2015

In this edition of Disability News we explore the issue of Hidden (or invisible) disability. We lead with an interview with Samantha Cleasby who wrote a blog called Dear Lady who tutted at me using the disabled loos which received widespread  attention in February this year. Our regular contributor, Justine Nagaur tells her own fascinating story of invisible disability- both her struggles and the inner strength she is gaining. We also look at changes taking place at Richmond AID and keep you up to date with our Summer Events Calendar.

Read our SPRING edition of Disability News!

DOWNLOAD our Spring edition of Disability News here:

Disability News - Spring 2015.pdf (1412 downloads)


In this issue of Disability News we take a look at a wide array of opportunities to get involved in sports and activities both in our local community and beyond– from sports clubs to gyms.

We interview six time Paralympic champion, David Weir, about the academy he has set up with his coach Jenny Archer. We also discuss his own future as an athlete and tease out some tips on who to look out for in Rio 2016.

Further to this, we throw the spotlight on other clubs, gyms and opportunities to get active around the borough– from RISE events to Companion Cycling.

With the General Election fast approaching, we also begin to consider which Party are going to listen and best serve the disabled community. We provide information about the Richmond hustings being held by the Yoursay group and speak to disabled rights campaigner, Ellen Clifford, about Operation Disabled Vote.

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