Do you need support making a claim for disability benefits?

Do you know all the benefits you are entitled to receive?


Richmond AID are providing a Benefits Advice Service in Hounslow designed to help disabled people and people with long-term or terminal conditions with getting their benefit entitlements. The Benefits Service is a free service for adults aged 18 and above receiving or applying for disability benefits in the London Borough of Hounslow. This project is funded by Trust for London and enables us to assist people with benefit reviews so that people receive all the benefits they are entitled to and help with form filling. We can meet people face to face, arrange for telephone consultations or carry out home visits.

What the service provides

Our advisors have received extensive training and offer accurate advice and information on:

  • Checks on eligibility and entitlement
  • Information on how to apply
  • Assistance with filling in all benefits forms
  • Details and information on how to challenge a decision

Getting the help you need

Make an online referral:

You can make an appointment, or arrange a chat by telephone with our advisors.

Phone: 020 3393 7011

Email: [email protected]