Are you struggling with rising housing costs? Is a lack of accessibility making it difficult to find a home?

You’re not alone. Join the Richmond AID campaign to demand accessible and affordable housing for all!

We’re a Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisation (DDPO) ready to campaign for disabled people’s rights.

For many years, Richmond AID has been a trusted source of information, advice and support for the disabled community, but the current crisis demands more action.

We are now witnessing how the cost-of-living crisis is hitting disabled people disproportionately hard; more people experiencing homelessness, soaring housing costs and a lack of accessibility is pushing some of us out of our homes.

We can’t stand by any longer.

Our call to action.

We are demanding:

  • an increase in social housing and that accessible social housing should be made a priority now and in the next election
  • a London wide accessible housing register, that is compulsory for local authorities to adopt and implement, for social housing and the private rented sector
  • the ban of Section 21 “No Fault” Evictions and for the Government to follow through on their promise of introducing the Renters Reform Bill
  • an increase in affordable private rented housing.

We want to hear from you – your experiences, your priorities. Together, we’ll present our demands and ensure our rights are heard.

Get in touch. Tell us your story. Be Heard.


Email our Campaigns Officer Andrea Rosés Novella [email protected] if you want to join our campaign army or if you have a story to share.

This project is funded by Trust for London.